Tuesday, May 3, 2011

CL Stories – A Blind Faith [Chapter 36]

Keeping a blind faith can sometimes be more discerning than simply knowing the truth. You fall into a illusion that keeps you sane for a while. You bury the truth and the fear of the unknown with time and it fades along with it. Like all faint memories it will be gone soon enough even before you notice or realize it. It will keep your current situation manageable and understandable. Will it resurface again? As per Sigmund Freud's studies "Unexpressed feelings never die, they come forth later in uglier ways" This may or may not be true. It totally depends upon the person. We are human and we are given the ability and mentality to cope up with current situations. I can express myself better when I'm writing. I can organize my thoughts fairly well and I satisfy my insatiable urge to express those feelings. It is human nature to constantly lack faith, to question, hunger for information and be skeptical about all things existent or not. We strive our best to comprehend and understand all things as if it were a book we can read. Who can blame us? This is a practice we have been doing for the first twenty years of our lives. The world will slowly overload us with information as we grow. Some of it we will understand and some will leave us wondering. Once we encounter things we can't comprehend, the most common fear of humanity sets in, fear of the unknown. Being unable to grasp and know nothing about something is so frightening that it induces paranoia, uncertainty and doubt. Due to the powerful deductive minds of each individual, we are able to materialize multiple sets of questions, possibilities, scenarios as well as think about the cause and effect of the situation. Some will continuously strive to get a better understanding of the situation and others will simply rely on their blind faith. A belief without true understanding, perception or discrimination. It is overcoming one of the ultimate fears of humanity. Overcoming the fear of the Unknown. 

"As Faith helps you surpass tough times, Blind Faith will help you through the worst no matter how feeble or sound your mind maybe"

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