Monday, August 26, 2013

CL Stories - For the Love of Writing [Chapter 62]

I’ve missed writing. I’ve missed this feeling where you have so much in your mind and very little time to let them out. You carefully think about the things you want to say simply because there might be some people who could be hurt in the process of voicing out your unsolicited ideas and thoughts. I’ve missed how writing elevates the feeling of being in control over your emotions. It also helps you to process and plan what to do next after a very confusing debate between your heart and mind as well as a troublesome argument between what you feel and what is right. I’ve missed how writing is less stressful than having a conversation with a person who doesn’t have the tiniest bit of idea what you’re talking about. I seldom meet people nowadays who can engage in a sensible conversation for hours. I’ve missed how writing eases out the bad vibes I have with just one page. It’s miraculous (for me at least.). I’ve had this blog for quite some time now and it’s been a roller-coaster kind of thing. Freedom of speech is indeed a wonderful facade of the literary world. It plays a very crucial role in writing as well. Play around with words to depict, portray, and express what you feel (beware of the grammar police!). Writing random thoughts and ideas seem to be a good workout for the human psyche. It enhances your vocabulary prowess, thought processing and analytical skills. Writing in itself is a great form of art. It may not be as holy like some of the works of Leonardo Da Vinci or as colorful as Takashi Murakami’s (Japanese artist famous for his wildly colored artwork) pieces, but it can be equally creative and can be very meaningful. Do not take writing and the words that come with it lightly. Actions may speak louder than words, but words create a greater impact and is easily understood compared to actions which needs justifications most of the time. Just like reading, writing takes me to places where there are no limits, inhibitions and restrictions. Your mind will be the only one to enslave you and put boundaries to what you write about. Writing will test how vivid your mind is and how wild your imagination can be. You can write about anything under the sun. The challenge is for it to make sense as the words come together. Just like your perfect mix of coffee, each ingredient is in tune or in harmony with the others, so should your article or piece. Words have to be chosen carefully and wisely for it to appeal to the readers. They should blend with each other just like the colors in a painting.

“The right words will always be the simple ones.”

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