Sometimes we wish we could predict the future. Know what is going to happen next and prepare for it. The irrefutable fear of humans over the unknown is growing everyday and this causes their hunger for information insatiable and unquenchable. They delve and stare so much into what the future could bring that most of them fail to enjoy what is given to them at the moment. Is this a good way to live? We get so preoccupied with things we want to do and things we want to achieve. All our childhood and adolescent life we are taught to think about our future and plan for them accordingly. But as we grow and mature we realize that this isn't really how life is meant to be lived. We squander so much time thinking and planning for the future that we fail to appreciate what is given to us at the very moment. It's fine to plan for the future but always live one day at a time. Let the mysteries of tomorrow unfold as they should. Do not force yourself to adapt to situations that hasn’t happened yet. You are spoiling the surprises that the future holds. If you continue to plan so far ahead for your life, it will eventually be boring and too subtle for you. Looking too far ahead might make you miss and oversee opportunities that are right in front of you. Learn to live at the moment and savor life as it comes. Ride a train even if you don’t know where it will take you, walk wherever your feet will bring you and speak to someone you think you couldn’t talk to. Do things you thought you could never do and have no regrets in your life
"Take the risks and make the ultimate sacrifice now but be patient enough to wait for the result no matter how long it takes for we all know that Rome wasn't built in a day."